Market analysis
Electronic Communications Services
Postal Services
Periodic data and indicators on the electronic communications market in the Republic of Albania:
- MOBILE TELEPHONY SERVICE– (Active users; Market share; User structure Contract/Prepaid)
- FIXED TELEPHONY SERVICE – (Number of subscribers; Market share; Number of subscribers with broadband access)
- INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE – (Number of subscribers with Internet access through fixed networks; Number of subscribers with broadband access through 3G/4G mobile networks; Market shares of fixed broadband by subscriber)
Electronic Communications Services
Periodic data and indicators on the electronic communications market in the Republic of Albania:
- MOBILE TELEPHONY SERVICE– (Active users; Market share; User structure Contract/Prepaid)
- FIXED TELEPHONY SERVICE – (Number of subscribers; Market share; Number of subscribers with broadband access)
- INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE – (Number of subscribers with Internet access through fixed networks; Number of subscribers with broadband access through 3G/4G mobile networks; Market shares of fixed broadband by subscriber)
Please visit here. to access detailed data and indicators on the electronic communications market
Postal Services
For purposes of informing the public, interested parties, and providers involved in the market of postal communications about the key indicators of this market, AKEP collects and publishes the data pursuant to the provisions of Law No.46/2015 on Postal Service in the Republic of Albania.
Indicators were developed based on the details provided by:
- Universal postal service provider (Posta Shqiptare sh.a.)
- Alternative postal service providers, in accordance with AKEP-approved and published statistical data forms.
Please visit here to access annual and periodic detailed postal service market data and indicators.