Frequency plan
Upon Decision No.1187, dated 24.12.2020, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania adopted the National Frequency Plan.
This plan was based on the Radio Regulations of ITU and CEPT publications. The plan complies with the obligations arising from international agreements or the membership of the Republic of Albania to international organizations.
The plan defines frequency bands and relevant radiocommunication services. Moreover, the plan also defines the spectrum administrator for each use.
The plan sets forth the respective technical recommendations and standards applicable to each frequency band usage.
The Frequency Usage Plan was adopted by Steering Council Decision No.6, dated 31.03.2022.
The plan has implemented all changes set forth in the National Frequency Plan (NFP) adopted by Council of Minister Decision No.1187, dated 24.12.2022.
The Usage Plan has been updated with the latest changes of the ECA Table (CEPT).
The plan guarantees an effective frequency usage without interferences.
The plan enables:
- Optimal planning in technical and financial terms, efficient establishment and usage of frequencies, considering that the radio frequency spectrum and the geostationary orbit are themselves rare and nonrenewable resources;
- Ensuring conditions to develop rules on technical and operative usage conditions for certain frequencies;
- Protection against harmful interferences;
- Plan adjustment to modifications at international level, as well as coordination resulting from the performance of bilateral and multilateral agreements with neighboring and other countries;
- Radiofrequency band usage adjustment between radio services and users; and
- Implementation of new technologies and radio communications development.
The Frequency Usage Plan includes:
a) frequency bands defined in the National Frequency Plan (NFP) adopted by Council of Minister Decision No.277, dated 29.03.2017 “On the Adoption of the National Frequency Plan” (NFP), for “civilian” usage, which may be used for civilian purposes, as well as for implementing the radio services defined in said frequency bands;
b) rules related to the use of frequency bands, including frequency administration characteristics for radio-communication networks and radio stations and radio equipment, frequency allocation methodology, various cases concerning the individual frequency use authorization, technical requirements, and operating conditions related to the operation of radio systems;
c) the implementation of key changes to the GSM, IMT, BWA, etc. bands, regarding both technologies applied to such bands and provided services.
The plan provides details, outlines the method of channel separation, potential channels for allocation, technical parameters to be applied, etc.
Annexes and Technical Requirements of Radio Interfaces constitute an integral part of the Frequency Usage Plan.
Technical Requirements of Radio Interfaces define the conditions on frequency usage and radio devices for electronic communications on various frequency bands and their usage regimen.
The fulfillment of fundamental requirements constitutes the main condition for launching radio devices to the market and making them available for use for electronic communications in the Republic of Albania.
- Radio Interfaces Terrestrial Mobile Service
- Radio Interfaces Aeronautical Service
- Radio Interfaces Marine Service
- Radio Interfaces Fixed Point-to-Point Connection Service
- Radio Interfaces Fixed Satellite Service
- Radio Interfaces Mobile Satellite Service
- GUIDE Satellite Coordination
Annexes comprise detailed channel separations on frequency bands for radio systems, their usage criteria, frequency status, and usage area.