Transparency Program

Transparency Program


Transparency program

About the Authority

Regulatory legal framework /

 Complete texts

The right to information and complaint

Control and monitoring mechanisms in connection to AKEP

Information on the budget and financial data of AKEP

Information on procurement procedures/ competition procedures on concessions/public-private partnerships.

Services provided by AKEP

Procedures/mechanisms for sharing opinions regarding the process of drafting legal/sub-legal acts, public policies, or in regards to AKEP function execution

Documentation storage system, document types, and forms

Registry of requests and responses

Social assistance/subsidies granted by AKEP

Information/documents most frequently required and determined useful for publication by AKEP

Pursuant to Article 7 of Law No. 119/2014 “On the Right to Information” (hereinafter “LRI”), the Public Authority (hereinafter “PA”) should publish the Transparency Program (hereinafter “TP”) approved by the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Personal Data Protection (hereinafter the “Commissioner”). The PA should publish information according to its operational activity, as well as review and update the TP in case of any changes to the institutional activity, regulatory legal framework, or any other element related to proactive transparency.

The categories of the information required to be public are specified in the TP. The public information without requirement should be: complete, correct, updated, simple to consult, comprehensible, easily accessible, and compliant with the original documents in possession of the PA. Moreover, prior to publishing the information, the PA should determine whether there are any legal restrictions regarding publication.

Acts containing rules, norms, or limitations of fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, having a direct effect on them, are made public through their publication on the official website within 48 hours after the act’s approval by the PA.

The categories of the information required to be public are specified in the Transparency Program, as is the publication manner, as well as the legal provisions regarding the publication obligation. When making the information public, the PA should be mindful of public interest and ensure easy access to the public information.

Shënim: Në ato raste kur autoriteti publik vetëfinancohet nga tarifat e licencave ose çdo formë tjetër e financimit të drejtpërdrejtë nga subjektet e rregulluara prej tij, bëhen publike edhe dokumentet që tregojnë gjendjen e shlyerjes së detyrimeve nga subjektet e licencuara.

Shënim: Lëshim dokumentacioni/Leje/Licenca/Autorizime etj.

Shënim: AP vlerëson publikimin duke patur parasysh kërkesat që merr më shpesh.